Healthy long-lasting joints? Arthroplasty brings new challenges for patients. If your joints have felt better, if they creak, click or crack.... Did you know your joints may be overloaded because of tight muscles and/or trigger points? Massage can remedy the overloading and help your joints last longer (new or old) and help your body feel more comfortable. Yoga, stretching and Tai Chi can also help…… for those of us who cannot find the time (or motivation), massage is a viable alternative. How long have you put up with a niggling pain in your hip, leg, elbow or shoulder? We can do something about it and chalk one up in favour of good things in life!
Massage can also help with reducing scar tissue post-surgery and assist with your joints regaining full painless range of motion. We can help you avoid the long-term effects of scar tissue, improve the lifespan of your new joints, help with gait and more efficient range of movement. Frequently scar tissue causes long term restrictions, that without intervention, can lead to discomfort, damaged joints, reduced mobility, and strength. Most times, we can easily do something about this. See us ASAP. Let's work together toward a better body.
Recent studies suggest articular cartilage naturally regenerates, given the opportunity.
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